Ever wonder about the difference between Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra? We all know that it's crazy delicious. But what's better? What about Mr. Pibb or Dr. Pepper? I vote for Pibb.
Another link to a pretty amazing rap impersonator. I especially like the jay-z.
Christmas Break 2006: blind taste test of Mr. Pibb and Dr. Pepper. We'll see who wins.
I like the sound of that... I think I'd have to say I'm a DP fan. Though that might just be because of the brand. I never could tell enough of a difference to be honest.
you know what is crazy, I have been thinking about that rap and the part about mr pibb and red twists.
interesting... so is it Dr. Pepper or Mr. Pibb? you didn't pick.
i normally go with D to the mother fuckin' P. I need to get Mr. Pibb, Pibb Xtra, and Dr. Pepper all together and do a taste test.
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