It's been a while since anybody posted anything here, and believe it or not, it seems like I've actually been pretty good with my post regularity. It must be all that fiber I've been eating.
I have been thinking a great deal lately about the high school experience. Rather than thinking about the four years in some sort of Columbine-esque conflict between abstract groups of jocks and geeks, I've been thinking of the specific
events that compose each student's career in high school.
For instance, one moment that stands out particularly strongly in my mind is when I was playing magic the gathering (yes, I was a geek, but that should be obvious by now) and a certain "train-like" football player walked by saying, "oh look, it's the magic fags." I also remember arriving early for early-morning walks through the hall to pick on the jehova's witness who was a bit annoying, the napkin stash, the "bloody german", calling skittles "shittles", starburst fruit twists and dr. pepper, channel 1 news, a certain fight I might have been in, water fights in gym swim class, edited romeo and juliet videos, "pantzing" in frau frau's class, journalism class, getting shot down by two different girls (and shooting down one other), frog dissection, awkward pseudo-romantic moments senior year, horton throwing his XC jersey at Mr. Ware and driving off, toilet papering, and some more. Maybe some day I will make this more coherent.
What are your most memorable HS moments?